Coaching Services

Personal finances, physical and nutritional health, and lifestyle and occupational well-being are the areas I provide coaching services to help individuals meet their wellness and well-being goals. My services include a variety of customizable group workshops, individual sessions, and online solutions across multiple dimensions of well-being that can be applied to businesses, schools, community groups, individuals and more!

Specializing in Health Coaching for:


  • Develop a lifetime of achievable healthy habits
  • Improve the mood, learning and behavior of children through proper nutrition and movement
  • Learn how to shop for high-quality, affordable foods
  • Avoid nutrition-related issues such as obesity, ADHD, and allergies
  • Make mealtime at home easy and fun, and learn how to prepare healthy food that tastes great


  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels and reduce stress
  • Sleep better and think sharper
  • Reduce pain and inflammation and increase vitality
  • Discover a personalized weight control plan that actually works!
  • Become fit, strong and flexible
  • Enjoy lower medical expenses

Science-Based Solutions

science-based solutions

You will receive credible, fact-based information, skills, and materials based on proven science.

Health Coaching Services


Individual Consultations

Through individual sessions, you will focus on the priorities important to you. In personalized, one-on-one sessions, we will identify well-being goals, your key areas for intentional focus, and develop a plan to help you thrive and live well.

Group Coaching

Group sessions are customized based on the needs of the audience and can be scheduled. Tabling and talks and tips on specific topics are available upon request.

Online Classes

My online sessions focus on topics of interest across a variety of well-being areas. Whether you’re seeking on-demand information regarding nutrition, a group discussion on learning how to live debt free, or a presentation on identifying and applying your talents or values in your work or daily life, you’ll find interactive and on-demand offerings available on your schedule.